Donate online!
- Click the Donate button above to open the form in a new browser window/tab.
- Fill in your contribution amount.
- Choose payment method:
- Click the link "Continue" just above the credit card images to proceed.
- Use MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover.
- No PayPal account is required.
- Fill in your email address and password and click "Log In".
- If you would like to have a PayPal account, you may sign up for free.
Send via Mail
MCM Donation Card |
- Complete our Donation Card above.
- Mail your completed form and check made out to "Maplewood Community Music, Inc." to:
Maplewood Community Music
PO Box 857
Maplewood, NJ 07040
Donation Jar
Drop your contribution (cash or check) into the donation jar at any MCM event.
In-Kind Donations
MCM accepts a variety of in-kind donations such as musical instruments (new, used, or beyond repair), sheet music, stage equipment, office supplies, services and more.
MCM is a NJ nonprofit organization and public charity!
Maplewood Community Music, Inc., hereinafter referred to as MCM, is a NJ nonprofit organization and public charity. MCM is tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In accordance with IRS regulations, your contribution may be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult with your tax adviser or the IRS to determine whether your contribution is deductible.